Tuesday, July 26, 2011

"Define your self and also life"

The ultimate measurement of a man is not where he stand in the times of comfort and convenience but where he stands in the trials and difficulties. BY MARTIN LUTHER THE KING, for me I DEFINE LIFE.  As a world of competition and hardship.  Because everybody wants a good quality and qualification in order to be appreciate with somebody, as a Christian Believer.  Life is very wonderful when you have encounter different kinds of difficulties and trials.  For God says Do don be afraid for I am with you, my lesson in life teach me to become more responsible to my self and  also to other people, sometimes there are many questions to my head that cannot ever answer to my own solution but it can be answer by  my own experience,  since the day I was born my parents thought me to become mature in life because here in this world you need to fight for your right and also to your self.  Because we are here not be a decoration but as a human being with a heavenly knowledge how to manage and rule the entire world.  I am Rodney T. Monera a believer of God for me self and life cannot be compare to each other but you need to improve your self in order to compare the meaning of life,  since I was a kid I asked to my self what is the worth to become a man when you have money,plenty of wealth,house,car,property  and etc.  But when I read the word of God everything started to change even my principles in life.  I really believe that this world is not my home it's because I  am only passing on this world and I am like a flower that when you see started to grooming and then when  you will smell the fragrance and on the other day the flower started faded his beauty and die, and I know there is nothing I will brought to this world but only a memory that I will remember when I go to heaven.  2 chronicles 16:9 for the eyes of the range through out the earth and searching for heart that is truly committed to Him.  FAITH cannot save you alone but faith with work can save you is this world of competition and qualification.  The message of the Lord teach me to wait for Him and also trust His timing because we don't what kind of miracle will happen on the edge of the story of our life..NO ONE CAN SEPARATE YOU ON MY LOVE AGAIN....love Jesus.

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